TripleClicks Pricebenders Penny Auctions

Why you should choose to participate in the TripleClicks Pricebenders penny auctions. There are Some Unique Features!

1. Tripleclicks auction site is less popular then other well know auction sites out there.

Proof for that is that you more likely don't know TripleClicks but you probably know another popular auction site. Conclusion, less people participating. This means less competition and less competition means more chances for you to win an auction.

2. Never seen nowhere else 1WA.

1WA are auctions at Tripleclicks that are only open to bidders who have never won a pricebenders auction before. Again more chances for you to win.

3. WBF

For some of the Tripleclicks auctions the winning bidder will receive his/her bids back upon completionof this auction. Saving up to 99% of retail on products worth hundreds and getting all your bids back make's you winner twice ! How about that ?

4. '' You Win Even If You Loose ''

At Tripleclicks auctions you will receive 5 member reward points for each bid placed. This mean that unlike other auction sites out there when you get outbid ,your bids are not just lost. You actually earn something from every bid placed.

We have near 55,000 products at Tripleclicks you will be able to trade your member reward points earned for any of these products.

Here you can view some of the popular products that members at Tripleclicks trade their member reward points for:

So there they are ! All good reasons to start bidding and participating in the new TripleClicks Pricebenders penny auctions.

Register today and start winning !



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